Your managed service gateway to the DVLA's Vehicle Keeper data.

The DVLA has shared details of their new Vehicle Keeper lookup service with us. We are now working with them to connect our two services. In the coming weeks, we will be implementing and testing the connections, but until the DVLA sign them off, we are unable to accept new enrolments.

The DVLA have said that they are prepared to consider enrolments to the existing service, particularly from local authorities who are coming off the discontinued WEE service.

If you would like updates when we have them, or have any questions, please drop a line to info.kadoe@valcon.com
8 August 2024

What is the KADOE service?

The KADOE service is a fully managed service that gives you access to the DVLA’s Vehicle Keeper data. Once you have signed your contracts with the DVLA, we can enrol you onto our service and you will benefit from:

  • Dedicated business and technical support team
  • A single point of phone and email contact
  • Support portal to raise issues against a monitored Service Level Agreement
  • Desktop software for transferring your data
  • REST API, SFTP or EDI for secure back-office connectivity
  • Data validation that prevents costly enquiries to the DVLA being sent.
  • Retained data which you can download again

Who would use the KADOE service?

The KADOE service is for companies that need to know a vehicle keeper’s name and address on a particular date. As you can imagine, this is sensitive personal data which is why the DVLA vet those applying to use the service. Solicitors, Insurance companies , Toll Operators and Parking Management companies are among the organisations that use our service.

How do we get enrolled onto the KADOE service?

The first thing you must do is contact the DVLA and make a Data Request. Once you have been approved by the DVLA, you can be enrolled on to our service.

We cannot make the data request to the DVLA on your behalf.

Please read the important information about DVLA Data and the reasons the DVLA will release it

What does the enrolment entail?

These are the steps for a normal enrolment. It is hard to say how long enrolment will take because of the requirement to sign contracts between yourselves, the DVLA and us.

Throughout this process, we are here to help and advise you on the technical and business aspects of the service.
The Your Data page explains how we process your data and the steps we take to secure it.

Signing of contracts

You sign a contract with us for access to the service. Our contracts are based on the number of enquiries you make in a given period. Once you have signed contracts, we will issue you with the credentials you need to make connections to the KADOE service.

Installing the software

There are a number of ways you can connect to the service. Which one you use will in the most part depend on the volume of enquiries you make and how integrated your back-office systems are. We provide a Desktop Client which can be installed on one or more Microsoft Windows computers. We also provide a secure REST API , a Secure File Transfer (SFTP) gateway and an EDI gateway which can be used to integrate our service with your back-office. The connection options are discussed on our download page.

Testing the installation

We have a testing environment which you can use to to test the integration of software, or simply to practice sending and receiving data. Our test environment provides predictable testing data for you to use in your testing without using confidential personal data. Testing, though advisable, is not required. Companies that will not send much data, usually go directly into production with a small amount of data first to prove the connectivity.

Going into production

When you are happy to go into production, you can start sending live vehicle enquiries and receiving keeper responses.

Want to know more?

Whether you have made contact with the DVLA or not, we always welcome a conversation with our customers and prospective customers. Use the contact information on our contact us page, to have an informal discussion about any aspects of our service and how it could benefit your business.